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How much and how often should I tip?

Unwritten rule about chatting & tipping on OnlyFans or other "Fan" sites.  Or if you are chatting with a girl on social media like Facebook Messenger who you know has “Fan” sites.  Remember, you are in her world where she makes a living.

Chat texts are using your girl’s time.  And her time is her living.  If you text a lot every day and use so much that she has to focus most of her time on you, you should be tipping almost daily.  A good rule of thumb is that if you take up an hour of her time focused on you, you should be tipping regularly.  She expects a quick question or so every day or so.  That would be considered normal and maybe dropping a tip of $10 to $15 a week is expected.  But high volume texters should look at the time they are using and $25 an hour is what is expected. If you like to send dick pics and videos, add another $5 to 10, if you expect her to view your video and comment on it.  Remember, there are only so many hours per day for her to take care of other fans.  So, if you are a high volume texter, you really need to be a high volume tipper.

Think of going to a strip club and you ask the dancer to sit with you all the time.  If she does, she can’t take care of others, so you really need to be ready to take good care of her.  Also, don’t be that guy who sits on the front row and don’t tip.  Shortly you will be ignored, and her attention will be elsewhere.  Making it uncomfortable for everyone.

 Web girls hate to have to remind you about tipping, so don’t take it personally. It’s best to know what is expected and you will have a much better experience.

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